Hello dear reader!
I am a twenty-six year old beginner author. Well, hopefully I'll be able to call myself an author soon. For now, we'll go with writer. I've never written a novel and haven't written a short story of any kind since I was nineteen.
Commence random fact sharing!
I'm a born and bred Texan now living in a single-wide trailer in Anchorage, Alaska with quite an amazing view of the Chugach mountain range.
I'm afraid of crickets (thankfully there are none in Anchorage outside of pet stores where they are sold to feed reptiles), heights, the dark, spiders when they're indoors and try to touch me, and charging moose.
My favorite color is teal.
I have quite a lot of tattoos and a few piercings... And plan to get more.
I'm all kinds of opinionated, but tend to be able to see all sides and any middle ground of most arguments.
I have a marked propensity for sarcasm, dark and low-brow humor, and tirades about people who do stupid or irresponsible things.
I have an above average IQ, which does not prevent me from doing stupid or irresponsible things, but does cause me to occasionally go on a tirade about the stupidity I deem other people to have. My mother is a blonde; I have blonde moments and blame her for them.
I'm a bit of a feminist; not the die hard sort that won't wear a dress or let a man open a jar for me, but the sort that believes a woman can stand on her own two feet and has the right to choose what she wants to do with her life and body. I'm currently engaged to marry my best friend and want to stay home and raise children (both my own and fosters) while my man works outside the home.
I'm a pantheist of sorts and am morally opposed to non-organic and genetically engineered foods.
I have a minor addiction to mind-numbing reality television.
I love thunderstorms.
I may or may not have spent several years of my adult life role-playing within the realm of an MMORPG. I was a theatre/debate/choir/German club nerd in school. I did not graduate college because I've yet to find something I live enough to major in and have trouble balancing work and school. I love to learn about anything and everything and plan to continue to take random college courses as they peak my interest.
I have a fondness for genealogy and lineage societies (I qualify as or am a member of quite a few).
I'll probably continue adding random trivia about myself to this page whenever the mood strikes.
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